The CommsHub
The Communications Centre for the Performance Under Demand Think Tank

The Think Tank is the home for influential discussion on international developments in "under demand" performance support
Products, Resources & Technology
In the high tech world of elite sport, the psychology profession stands its own ground, Here you will find links and discussion about a range of products and technologies that assist the preparation and support of athletes.
The logos have links that will take you to each group's website. The News section below will provide further insights.
Coming Soon - Product & Protocol Reviews
July 06, 2020
Life can be demanding, from both a physical and psychological point of view
​Our health and performance can be affected by how we are able to effectively cope with stressful situations and deal with anxiety, or in broader terms, our ability to emotionally self-regulate is key
​Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback is a technique that can directly affect physiological and psychological factors through deep breathing exercises and is an ideal strategy to help us self-regulate and better cope with stressful situations​
June 16, 2020
It’s Men’s Health Week, and Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) is once again highlighting the importance of exercise and physical activity for men’s mental health.
June 16, 2020
A survey conducted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in May revealed that managing mental health and sports careers, as well as nutrition and diet, were the biggest challenges faced by athletes during the unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
June 16, 2020
British yachtswoman Dee Caffari has spent up to six months alone at sea whilst sailing around the world. Though her self-isolation was self-imposed, she is expertly placed to offer you constructive and practical advice on coping with isolation caused by COVID-19.

Mental Health and the Olympic-Paralympic Games
March 20, 2020
Mental Health and the Olympic-Paralympic Games - Developing support strategies for the unique world of Olympic and Paralympic Athletes. The outcome of a series of Think Tank meetings conducted by the International Society of Sport Psychology